New Local Search Resource

Peter Krasilovsky emailed me to let me know that the Yellow Pages Association has put together a Local Search Guide… essentially their version of a Who’s Who guide to Local Search.

I’m not sure what criteria was used in constructing this guide, but appearantly the folks behind it don’t yet see (or care to acknowledge) the the meta-data connection to Local Search. *shrug*

Despite the above, and the clear snubbing of buzzhit! as a Local Search resource [smirk] , the guide’s free and fairly informative… and that beats a poke in the eye. Have at it.

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One comment on “New Local Search Resource
  1. Anonymous says:

    There is Google and Yahoo local. Then it comes Atlocal. Atlocal is a new local search engine that does it differently than Google and Yahoo Local.

    Each result in Atlocal has a direct web link. It is the only search engine that can drive consumers to small business web site.

    Check it out at: