Monthly Archives: February 2005

Recruitment RSS Marches Forward

I may have missed the press release, but I just noticed that Yahoo!’s HotJobs is offering saved RSS Searches (something I knew was coming late last year but couldn’t disclose), making them the first major recruitment site to do so.

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T-Mobile Voicemail Hack Is Reproducible

According to Gizmodo, the ‘Paris Hilton exploit’ has been reverse engineered and is reproducible. They’ve also got details on how to protect your own voicemail account.

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Press Hit – on Two Factor Authentication

Ina Fried over at CNET got in touch with me late last week to talk about two factor authentication, based on my previous post on the subject. A dozen emails later, Ina has published his piece (a nice overview and

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NOFOLLOW as a Bloggercon Core Value

Still in catch-up mode. Noticed on Scoble’s blog that Google finally released NoFollow a few weeks back, and a bunch of folks got bent out of shape about it. Haven’t read through it all & won’t. Instead, I thought it

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Content Spam or Message In A Bottle?

There have been a lot of comment spam horror stories out there lately (and I get more than I’d like myself). Most spam (like the one linked to above) is pretty obvious… Then there are the head scratchers. Is a

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Search Ain’t So Slippery

Charlene Li has a post entitled “The Slippery Slope of Search Semantics“, in which she describes the various mental gyrations and contortions she’s putting herself through trying to envision and size online marketing in 2010. I’d be lying if I

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Open Source Craigslist?!

Susan Mernit points to a piece by Rohit Khare over at The Commercenet Blog, wherein Rohit casually asks, “Now, what would it take to build an open-source clone of Craigslist one could run locally?” I haven’t met Rohit, but I’ll

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Press Hit – SF Chronicle on Netflix

A few weeks back I got a call out of the blue from Verne Kopytoff, a staff writer for the SF Chronicle. Verne was writing a piece on customer defections (from Netflix to Blockbuster), had seen my name on HackingNetflix

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Kelsey DDL Conference Panelist

The good folks at Kelsey were kind enough to ask me to be part of a panel on Day 1 of their upcoming Drilling Down on Local conference. I’ll be rambling about Online Word-Of-Mouth (Blogs, RSS & Social Networking, 11:45-12:30)

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Disclosure: New Blog-Related Consulting Engagement

Just a quick note (as has become my practice) of heads-up that I’m now participating in another blog/RSS/advertising-related consulting engagement. I’ll disclose details if/when it becomes appropriate to do so.

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