John Battelle notes the launch of Syndicate IQ, a service whose objective is, “To manage, measure and monetize syndicated content.”
I had an email exchange with a senior exec (who I’ll call “Bob”) at a company focused on Feed advertising services (which inspired this post about Privacy When Conversing With Bloggers) about the overwhelming need for Feed measurement solutions some months ago. Bob wasn’t convinced that there was a business opportunity in it, and I quickly gave up trying to persuade him otherwise.
While Syndicate IQ’s solution doesn’t exactly match the one I outlined to the crowd at the Vendorcon after party for BloggerCon 3 (namely, it messes with your Feed URL — I’m obsessed enough with GUIDs to understand why this is necessary to get the most precise measurement info), it’s fantastic see new services emerging in this space.
Bob, you know who you are! 😉 Drop me an email if you want to talk some more (this time without the legal mumbo-jumbo, if you please).
Hi Tony
Check out
it provides rich RSS measurement with some interesting new features in development