In my last post, I mentioned this morning’s deal between Kanoodle and Six Part to allow TypePad users to add ads to their hosted blog posts, noting that no mention was made of support for feeds. It’s worth noting that,…
In my last post, I mentioned this morning’s deal between Kanoodle and Six Part to allow TypePad users to add ads to their hosted blog posts, noting that no mention was made of support for feeds. It’s worth noting that,…
So, it’s three days later, and I still haven’t written much about my first BloggerCon experience… and I think I’m going to hold off on commenting on the conference itself for a bit longer yet… However, I will relay a…
Jessica Schweitzer of Hill & Knowlton shipped me a press release this morning noting that TypePad (made by Six Apart) subscribers will be able to ‘easily’ add Kanoodle contextual ads to their blog pages. (As I’ve previously noted, I’m amazed…
Jeff Jarvis, over at BuzzMachine, is doing a great job blogging the Ad:Tech conference (thank you Jeff!). One of the comments he records from Nick Denton in his coverage of the Blogging Panel surprised me: “…Someone at Salon asks what’s…
(Full disclosure: I have a whopping $2K in KR stock left from my time there… so if you think that might influence my opinion, you’ve been warned up front!) Knight Ridder announces that Hilary Schneider (43), will move from her…
I had the pleasure to meet a number of great folks at this year’s Kelsey Group ILM 2004 conference, including Judith Meskill. Judith was recently named Editorial Director over at Weblogs, Inc., which looks like a big win for everyone.…
In his post entitled 10×10 View of the News, Micro Persuasion author Steve Rubel points out a very cool new web site built on top of RSS feeds of International news sources, named 10×10. Rather than integrating it with Google…
After the news got whispered around The Kelsey Group Interactive Local Media 2004 conference all day Wednesday, the SBC and BellSouth decided to announce the formation of a joint venture and the JV’s acquisition of on Thurs. cvs. Fri.…
Well folks, I apologize. Just as soon as I had finally settled into The Kelsey Group’s Interactive Local Media 2004 conference and /paid/ for my WiFi access (idea: this would be a great sponsorship opportunity for next year’s conference),…
Just a quick apology for the lack of posts the past few days. Wednesday and Thursday, I’ll be at Kelsey Group’s Interactive Local Media (i.e., Local Search & Directory) conference; my intent is to blog it as real time as…