Monthly Archives: October 2004

Briefly: Enhances Video and Photo Blogs

Deeje Cooley points to a BlogHeard post about BlogFlix. While I’ve only looked at the brief demos on the site, what I saw was pretty impressive. More importantly, these folks aren’t trying to be your ‘shoebox’. The service works with

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Briefly: Music micropayments at Napster, via PayPal

Does anyone (Roland Tanglao?) know if PayPal is actually aggregating these micropayments into a larger bill (ala Apple’s iTunes store), or if they are actually processing the individual purchases? Either way, given Yahoo!’s retreat from PayDirect, PayPal’s dominance continues unabated.

Posted in Uncategorized Better Search Through Fuzzy Results

I had a nice chat this morning with Steven Lavine, CEO of Transparensee Systems, about his company’s new offering, the Discover Search Engine (DSE). DSE uses fuzzy matching to analyze database content and structure, so that it can return results

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Briefly: A Five-Point Roadmap to Podcast’s Future

Tod Maffin lays out some good thoughts on the future of Podcasting. Again… just abstract away blog content, podcasting content, etc, and understand what this all means from the boader context. Very exciting stuff.

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Jason Calacanis to Marc Canter: Don’t Pimp Us

Jason Calacanis of Weblogs, Inc. posts a rational, albeit emotional, reply to Marc Canter’s proposal to promote Bloggers writing product reviews for money (so long as its done transparently), which I covered here. As noted in my post, and in

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New competitor for ShopLocal:

ContraCostaTimes (owned by Knight Ridder, who owns one-third of the JV that owns CrossMedia Services and their site, writer Ellen Lee writes a fair article on local shopping site, Like ShopLocal (whose results are syndicated by AOL’s In-Store

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Social Mobile Local Search

Richard Hagerty’s article, Mobile Search Is Almost Too Good To Be True, is a good reminder to those who might have forgotten that “Local” Search can be determined by proximity to any given “object”, including the Searcher herself, including when

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Google lowballs with 372K new advertisers in next 4 years?

An SF Chronicle article earlier this week pointed to an internal Google document that forecasted 372K new advertisers over the next four years (at a fairly even ramp of 90-100K/yr). These seem like low numbers to me, especially given that

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Blabble Repositions into Feedster territory

I first read about Blabble from a SJ Merc piece written by Michael Bazeley. What was notable from Michael’s article was the unique position/niche Blabble was taking in providing for-pay “pr data mining” on blog posts on behalf of (presumably)

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BloggerCon III Friday Night Dinner

Please let me know if you’ll be at the BloggerCon III Friday Night Dinner and want to connect!

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