Monthly Archives: March 2004 – Google sets up e-mail make that, Gmail – Google sets up e-mail make that, Gmail — Google just declared war… free email, with 1GB of storage, all contextual (adsense) supported… attacks a primary revenue stream of Yahoo’s in a major way. Storage is a huge pain

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Would you PLEASE quiet your "expression of happiness"

Sorry for this note, but I wanted to make you aware that your expression of happiness (sex groaning) has been really loud. It actually woke me up this morning, and nothing ever wakes me up besides an alarm clock or

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Toshiba Builds World’s Smallest Hard Drive

Data Storage Today – Next-Gen Storage – Toshiba Builds World’s Smallest Hard Drive: “The 0.85-inch measurement refers to the diameter of the magnetic disk to which data is recorded. Its initial capacity will be 2-4 gigabytes. Toshiba expects to start

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John Battelle’s Searchblog: FeedBurner: Know Your RSS Readers

John Battelle’s Searchblog: FeedBurner: Know Your RSS Readers Deeje will like this one… John Battelle reports on FeedBurner, one of what will be a long string of enhancements (either directly, or via service businesses) that a) provide RSS feed usage

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Nutritional Transparency — FDA asks for better calorie labels

The Salt Lake Tribune — FDA asks for better calorie labels IMO, all consumable items, whether sold at a store or restaurant, ought to have what I will now start calling complete “nutritional transparency”. The FDA needs to put some

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Skimmers and Wedges

Pocatello Idaho State Journal: Local incident highlights pervasiveness of identity theft If you haven’t already heard, there’s a more aggresive means of identity theft & credit card number snatching going on… thieves are now using devices called Skimmers (aka Wedges)

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John Battelle’s Searchblog: Just 1 in 9 Small Business Know About Paid Search

John Battelle’s Searchblog: Just 1 in 9 Small Business Know About Paid Search: “Just 1 in 9 Small Business Know About Paid Search According to this Kelsey/ConStat report. Those that do quickly put 23% of their marketing chips in the

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Yahoo! News – Study: We’re Eating Ourselves to Death

Yahoo! News – Study: We’re Eating Ourselves to Death: “Inactive Americans are eating themselves to death at an alarming rate, their unhealthy habits fast approaching tobacco as the top underlying preventable cause of death, a government study found. In 2000,

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Dave Winer – RSS/Atom peace… or FUD?

— I wrote the following several weeks ago when the RSS/Atom story first broke: “I’ve followed Winer’s writings for some time. Five years from now he’ll have an introspective moment and realize he should have found a path to work

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Jukebox ware gives Pocket PC an iPod look

Jukebox ware gives Pocket PC an iPod look | CNET — Jeez, if they put out a PalmOS version that ran on the Treo600 it’d be a done deal… must contact these guys.

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