Monthly Archives: November 2003

Yahoo! News – Woman Knocked Unconscious While Shopping: “ORANGE CITY, Fla. – A mob of shoppers rushing for a sale on DVD players trampled the first woman in line and knocked her unconscious as they scrambled for the shelves at

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Chip implant gets cash under your skin | CNET More implantable RFID chips…

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Late Halloween Pumpkin pics Di and I carved pumpkins this year (I was in school Halloween weekend, so I didn’t make it out to any parties)… they turned out pretty darn well! Di did a cool set of witchy/bird eyes

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IHT: China confirms a new space mission: “Its confidence in space travel rising, China announced plans Wednesday to send two more astronauts into orbit within the next two years on the country’s second manned mission.” — Wow, China is really

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The Globe and Mail: “A year ago, U.S. researcher Paul Wentworth and his colleagues made the discovery that our bodies produce ozone when antibodies kill bacteria. Their findings challenged conventional wisdom on two fronts. Ozone was not considered a part

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