no time for all the details, but the new clubs + today’s swing & pivot adjustments made a big difference. quite a few 100+ yrd drives (3/4 swing), contact every time (and too often with the divider ). still lots…
no time for all the details, but the new clubs + today’s swing & pivot adjustments made a big difference. quite a few 100+ yrd drives (3/4 swing), contact every time (and too often with the divider ). still lots…
holy shit, this guy totally gets it. this is exactly what i was pitching around at ofoto. Professor Steve Mann: his vision:
more on implants:
The Four Stages of Learning Unconsciously incompetent. You don’t know what your problems are, and you don’t know how to identify them. Consciously incompetent. You see a lot of your problems, but you don’t know how to correct them. Consciously…
Hopefully MSFT will deliver this time; this would be a significant leap forward for users (and developers):
Up, Bustle & All – sweet tunes fun night tonight. minna closed by 10pm 🙁 thirsty bear, always safe. over to curves — thanks jody. then to butter – small, small crowd, kickin dj we did good for a tuesday.
web controlled HVAC et al continues to evolve. 21st century life — continued evolution of convenience and intuitive machine based task automation… at least in America